Category Archives: Insurance

Personal Insurance FAQs

Personal insurance here means the insurance provided by life insurance company in Australia. It is designed to protect you and your loved ones from the financial consequences of death or disability. They reduce the impact of risk on your financial lifestyle. They, therefore, form an important part of most financial plans. Here’s a brief overview […]

5 tips for taking control of your finances

We have been incredibly busy over the past few months. The rate of disruption since mid-March has been overwhelming for many of our clients. With the continuing threat of the virus, we have all been navigating considerable change and upheaval. Never before has it been so important that we focus on the things that we […]

I already have insurance within my super, do I still need another policy?

In Australia, it is compulsory for employers to make a superannuation (super) contribution for their employees (SGC).  The current rate is at 9.5% of employees’ wages. Most super funds automatically provide some insurance to members, so many people have default insurance within their super. However, because there is insurance in super, many people mistakenly think […]