About us
Sunlight Insurance & Financial Services Pty Ltd is a business to provide insurance and financial planning advice. We are a privately owned company which does not have any institutional ownership. We offer a mobile service and currently have clients across all states in Australia.Director, Lisa Lu, owns the business and is an authorised representative of Lifespan Financial Planning Pty Ltd. Lisa is committed to developing wealth creation and wealth protection strategies for her clients. The real value of advice goes beyond a simple product recommendation. She works closely with clients providing them with the competence and confidence to make smart decisions with their money.

Lisa Lu.
Founder & Principle AdviserAuthorized Representative No.266842
Download Lisa Lu’s Adviser Profile
“My passion is to protect your financial wellbeing against risk,and help you to achieve your financial goals”
As an experienced financial planner, Lisa is passionate to provide risk insurance advice and financial advice to ordinary people to help them to protect wealth and improve their financial well being. With more than 15 years’ experience in life insurance and financial sectors, Lisa has a proven track records for delivering high quality services and long term client satisfaction.
Lisa can speak three languages: Cantonese, Mandarin and English.
Mobile : 0402 025 839Email : lisalu@sunlightinsurance.com.au