Estate Planning

Have you ever thought how you wish your overall wealth, your superannuation, your properties and your investments to be passed to the next generation or right person?

An Estate Plan documents your such wishes, and it is more than just a Will. An Estate Plan includes things like Power of Attorney, nominating who will receive your superannuation and nominating a guardian for your children.

ESTATE PLANNING HEALTH CHECK – If you answered YES to any of the questions below, we recommend seeking estate planning advice.

Since creating your Will, has your family situation changed?

Since creating your Will, have you bought or sold property?

Do you have children who will require a guardian?

Are your dependents at risk of bankruptcy or divorce?

Do you have a beneficiary with special needs?

Do you want to pass on a family business?

Do you want to make a gift to charity?

Do you have debts?

Do you have life insurance?

Do you want tax-effective ways to transfer your wealth?

Do you have particular instructions for your funeral?